Message from the President

December 18, 2020
Holiday greetings and welcome to PNA-Indiana Executive Board and members, colleagues and friends!
It is an honor and privilege to serve as the incoming President of PNA-IN for 2020 – 2022, for the third time. Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 restrictions our induction is yet TBA. God willing, with the initiation of the vaccination this month, continued vigilance of all of us, we would be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel and we will be able to hold an in-person induction by summer of next year.
To align our theme with our current PNAA President Mary Joy Garcia-Día’s “Story of People, Achievement, Resilience and Kindness (SPARK),” we acknowledge, recognize and highlight the SPARK of our members! PNA-IN ignites the SPARK with our first feature “The Gaviolas’ Nurses of Four: Story of Kindness’ featured in this website. Upcoming features are about Mentoring and story of resilience – recovery from COVID-19. Please continue to look us up in www.pnaindiana.wixsite.com.
I am pleased to announce that PNA-IN and its’ members have been involved in mask distributions and food donations to our community. We partnered with the Philippine Humanitarian Coalition (PHC) and National Association of Filipino Associations in America (NAFAA)’s Tulong Sulong project, and the Barangay Club to feed 250 families in Barrio Handumanan, Bacolod, Philippines in May of this year. Gilda Lauchli and her family distributed boxes of donations to the pandemic and Typhoon Ulysses victims in Cagayan Valley, whereas, Mattie and the Delos Santos Family distributed food aid to Barrio Malocloc, Ivisan, Capiz in November and December of this year.
Since 2008, PNA-IN has been pursuing a Rule Promulgation: the removal of CGFNS Qualifying Exam as a prerequisite for RN licensure of foreign educated nurses (FENs) in the State of Indiana. The process has been tedious and slow moving. PNA-IN found an ally in the IU Bowen Center of Health Workforce Research and Policy to assist and advocate for us. Dr. Hannah Maxey and her staff are actively assisting us in providing a cost benefit analysis and impact statement to present to the Indiana State Board of Nursing (Board) and to provide expert testimony regarding the three pathways and the best pathway for FEN’s RN licensure in Indiana. This is very critical in removing the barrier of hiring FENs to alleviate the acute shortage of nurses in the State of Indiana. Blayne Miley, Esq. Legislative Director of the Indiana State Nurses Association has been supporting us as well.
I wish to have your invaluable support by renewing your membership and help recruit new members as well! My heartfelt gratitude to all! Be safe!
Matilde “Mattie” delos Santos Upano, MSN, RN, FNP-BC