PNA-Indiana’s Healthcare Advocacy Summer 2018

We are thrilled to be a part of the Barangay Club Inc. Festival that was celebrated on August 25, 2018. The strong wind and continuous rain did not stop the PNA-IN members to be a part of this outreach program to our kababayans and to other guests.
This event allowed us to fulfill our mission by offering health screening such as checking the blood pressure, BMI and Hgb A1C, health promotion and education to anyone who came to our booth. Even with this stormy weather our 13 volunteers devoted their time, skills and talent to help our community. We had a total of 30 participants who were screened for diabetes, obesity and hypertension. An on-site healthcare consult was provided by our colleagues from the Indiana Philippine Medical Association (IPMA).
PNA IN members also celebrated by savoring Filipino food, partaking in the event games and attending the Sunday anticipated Holy Mass at the end of the festival.
Once again, our valuable nurses from PNA-IN were able to accomplish its mission and values by providing this much needed health promotion, education and health prevention in collaboration with our professional colleagues from the Philippine Association of Medical Technologists (PAMET) of Indiana and IPMA.
By: Shelley S. Gaviola, BSN, RN